Awards Update.

After a very successful first awards gala evening the Stereograph Foundation wants to inform you that our awards program is ongoing right throughout the year.

We don’t believe in just giving awards on a once a year basis.

This is why we need you too also be our ears and eyes in putting nominees forward for awards  for consideration to us. It is quiet simple if you know someone or a establishment which you consider in your opinion is  doing credible things either on a personal level or for the betterment of others why not nominate them for one of our awards .

There are many unsung heroes all over our communities who deserve to be acknowledged but quiet often this never happens. So it is about time we start to make a change.

All you have to do is contact us with your nominees name and details why you would like to see this person or establishment receive an award. We then at the foundation will take into consideration the facts you have presented us with and if we agree then we will make a presentation to the nominee.

We will not wait until our next awards event to do so but act upon it now for tomorrow is not guaranteed to none of us. So please join with us as it is impossible for us to see and know all whom are deserving of such.

Thanks, together we can make a difference.


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